Published on December 30, 2002 By Blue_Steel In WinCustomize News
Its terrific. To use your WindowsBlinds Skins simply disable skins in the appropriate menu. One major reason I like it is that ALL the Menu's are skined. As well as you can create dedicated skins for use with this FREE Browser(See the Help file to find out how).

I havn't found any page it doesn't run (unlike Netscape,Opera,Mozilla)
Requires at least IE v4 installed

All features
* Multiple site browser based on tab-page interface
* Recoverable Popup Killer based on intelligent identification and pre-defined filtering
* Site windows killed by mistake are FULLY RECOVERABLE
* Convenient access to major search engines by Quick-Search Bar
(You Can even edit them.. you your favourie search engines)
* Hidden Sites : hide and show a site at users' request
* Fully automatic Form Filler
* Skinned window frame.
(remember to use your WindowsBlinds Skins to disable Skinning)
* Free-zooming of any web page.
* AutoLogin: automatically connect and log into specified website with just one click.
* Seamless integration with online translation engine and dictionaries
* Ability to suppress script error message dialog
* Site Group: Open and save a collection of sites as a group
(Excellent Feature.. I have it opening up all my programming forums with the click of just one button)
* Seamless integration of the power of Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer
* Access remote and local resource (http, https, ftp, local files) in a uniform interface
* Flexible control of startup actions
* URL Alias: Type short alias instead long URL.

Facilities and Benefits
* Quick-Search Bar
* Choose a search engine, type a keyword and start searching.
* Web page translation
* Text translation
* Local file and folder management
* You can drag files from one window to another.
* You've got not just a MDI web browser, you've got yet another MDI file manager
* Popup Killer
* Form filler
* Site Group
* Hidden Sites
* AutoLogin

on Dec 30, 2002
Using it now. Looking and working good so far.
on Dec 30, 2002
I'm using it also. Works very well and seems to like WindowBlinds just fine. Pop up blocking works great, and has great features.
on Dec 30, 2002
I took a look at it and it looks cool. Another browser to think about using I guess.
on Dec 30, 2002
Crazybrowser ist besser.
probiert den malĀ“.
CU Track505
on Dec 30, 2002
Bloody brilliant piece of kit! You can open multiple windows with this thing and it hardly uses any extra
I've only just started using it and I love it!
on Dec 31, 2002
Not bad. Good competitor to Netcaptor. One MAJOR complaint is I don't see a way to make new tabs open in the background. Am I missing that setting due to blindness?

I imagine in the next three versions or so it will overtake most of the other tabbed IE front ends. Good stuff!
on Mar 12, 2003
It's like a cross between Phoenix and NetCaptor.

stark23x: To open a link in a new tab in the background, CTRL+SHIFT+left click. SHIFT+left click opens in a new tab in the foreground. To open a Favorite in the background, CTRL+click the favorite. I don't think any other browser/browser front-end allows you to do either on the fly (usually, you pick one opening behavior in preferences and are stuck with it).