Published on December 30, 2002 By Blue_Steel In WinCustomize News
Its terrific. To use your WindowsBlinds Skins simply disable skins in the appropriate menu. One major reason I like it is that ALL the Menu's are skined. As well as you can create dedicated skins for use with this FREE Browser(See the Help file to find out how).

I havn't found any page it doesn't run (unlike Netscape,Opera,Mozilla)
Requires at least IE v4 installed

All features
* Multiple site browser based on tab-page interface
* Recoverable Popup Killer based on intelligent identification and pre-defined filtering
* Site windows killed by mistake are FULLY RECOVERABLE
* Convenient access to major search engines by Quick-Search Bar
(You Can even edit them.. you your favourie search engines)
* Hidden Sites : hide and show a site at users' request
* Fully automatic Form Filler
* Skinned window frame.
(remember to use your WindowsBlinds Skins to disable Skinning)
* Free-zooming of any web page.
* AutoLogin: automatically connect and log into specified website with just one click.
* Seamless integration with online translation engine and dictionaries
* Ability to suppress script error message dialog
* Site Group: Open and save a collection of sites as a group
(Excellent Feature.. I have it opening up all my programming forums with the click of just one button)
* Seamless integration of the power of Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer
* Access remote and local resource (http, https, ftp, local files) in a uniform interface
* Flexible control of startup actions
* URL Alias: Type short alias instead long URL.

Facilities and Benefits
* Quick-Search Bar
* Choose a search engine, type a keyword and start searching.
* Web page translation
* Text translation
* Local file and folder management
* You can drag files from one window to another.
* You've got not just a MDI web browser, you've got yet another MDI file manager
* Popup Killer
* Form filler
* Site Group
* Hidden Sites
* AutoLogin

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